General InformationBrand3MCountry Of OriginUnited StatesSold AsCaseLead Time14 daysCalifornia ResidentsProposition 65 WarningDimensions and SpecificationsOverall Width (Imperial)3 inOverall Width (Metric)76.2 mmTotal Tape Thickness Without Liner (Imperial)2.2 milTotal Tape Thickness Without Liner (Metric)0.06 mmWidth8.25 in
20.96 cmHeight14.25 in
36.2 cmLength8.25 in
20.96 cmVolume969.89 cubic inch
15893.66 cm3Weight52.78 oz
1496.4 gMaterial and CompositionBacking (Carrier) MaterialPolyesterBacking Carrier MaterialPolyesterShelf Life730Color and AppearanceProduct ColorTransparentCertifications and StandardsSpecifications MetRoHS 2011/65/EU


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